The Tabletop Exercises (TTX) provide organizations with a decision advantage over threats and adversaries by helping companies evaluate and test their preparedness, in the event of a ransomware or cyber extortion event. These live-simulated exercises provide organizations an opportunity to experience scenarios that could cause significant damage to business operations. During these exercises, Flashpoint assesses the efficacy of current plans, ensures that users are prepared for possible attacks, and helps organizations to better mitigate future events.

Key benefits:

•  Evaluate the organization’s readiness to respond to an incident.

•  Identify process and planning deficiencies in a real-world scenario.

•  Test and/or validate recently changed procedures or plans.

•  Solidify team and individual responsibilities in the event of an incident.

•  Obtain feedback from parts of the organization that were not involved in the original program planning.

•  Measure overall organizational improvement compared to previous exercises.

•  Increase cross-team awareness of the risks that the team is mitigating.

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